Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Blizzard that didn't arrive

For the past two days all the weather reports predicted here in Southeastern Massachusetts, Plymouth County that we were going to get up to 14 inches of snow with high winds. Schools and some businesses were closed yesterday, because of the snow that would be heavy for the commutes home.
Yesterday morning around 7 a.m. it was spitting snow, that changed to a misty rain, and then after lunch it was snowing again. The winds were howling, and we lost power for about an hour last night. Woke up to 6 inches of snow this morning. Everything is encased in ice. The trees limbs are hanging low, pretty, but messy.
I went out to clean off the cars early this morning and snapped a picture of a hairy woodpecker on the mountain ash tree in the front of the house. It is hard to see the bird, because if I got too close he flew off. My kitty was loving the new snow.

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