Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This frilly centered daffodil is from the same bulbs as below.
                                      Aren't the centers really pretty? But so different from the above

These old fashioned daffodils are gorgeous. I dug the bulbs up many years ago from my grandfathers yard. The house was built in the early 1800's. I don't know who planted the bulbs or where they came from.
I have never seen any others like them. The centers are so full of petals.

I haven't had time to create art lately, but thought I would share a couple of pictures of my daffodils, and of course Fluff Puff had to check things out.
I dropped my digital camera, drats! I can still take pictures with it, but I can't get it to download the pictures to the computer. So, now I have to go look for a new camera.


  1. Elaine, your flowers are beautiful. Spring flowers are by far my favorite, I think because they are a sign of renewal.

  2. Hi Elaine, pick me, pick me as a winner since I am your birthday twin............

  3. These are marvelous Elaine!Those centers are like a fancy dress!!!! :0) If you ever divide them out and want to get rid of a bulb or two, I am here for you girlfriend! :0)


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