Saturday, May 29, 2010

Quick and Easy Envelope corner bookmark's for a online swap

This week has been very busy for me.  Recap.
My new granddaughter was born early Monday morning. If you have been to my blog this week, then you already know this, but bear with me. We are all beyond excited with our new arrival. Izabella is our miracle baby. Her daddy almost died from cancer, and he was told he would never father children. Several years later we are blessed, and Izabella looks so much like her daddy.

Went to see the baby, and then I took my parents to put flowers on all the graves Monday afternoon and Tuesday. Wednesday, I spent all day at my mother's doctor's office, as she had to have a stress test.
 Thursday, was the first day I had to myself, and I ended up going grocery shopping. Oh, how fun...not!!! I hate grocery shopping.
Yesterday, Friday...I went with my friend, Betty Ann and we bought some balloons to put on the lamp post at my son and daughter in laws house. We wanted to surprise  Robin and welcome her and  Izabella home. Baby Izabella and Robin were discharged from the hospital late in the afternoon instead of the morning as planned.
In the afternoon I again  ran to the grocery store, and bought a few things for Steven and Robin's supper so they wouldn't have to cook, as they were both very tired.
Yesterday, was also a  fun mail day for me. I received my fabric package from Lenna. I won the handpainted fabric in her blog contest.
I will get all of my blog giveaways mailed out on Tuesday. I apologise to all for not getting them mailed sooner. Thanks for your patience. Hopefully, things will settle down here.
 I was finally able to sit down and make some envelope corner bookmarks last night  for a quick and easy swap that I signed up for.
 I cut the sealed envelopes so they would have a 4 inch side. That way the bookmark would stay put on the page. I just did some basic stamping, rubbed the edges of the envelopes with ink, and stippled some ink on my envelopes and fancy cut the bottoms. I started off with colored envelopes that had been down cellar, and had sealed shut from dampness. Perfect for this project. I just added a bit more glue to the part of the flap that needed attaching.
I made two butterfly and two beach themed bookmarks. Now, to get them mailed out to my two partners.

Today, Saturday.. was a beautiful, sunny and warm day. It is now getting dark and cloudy, the wind is picking up.We are suppose to be getting thunderstorms. I hate thunder and lightening.
The rest of Memorial Day weekend is suppose to be really nice. Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. Stay safe and remember those in our armed services past and present.


  1. dear Elaine, what a busy week! So glad to hear your received your fabric stash, I know you will put it to good use! Big hugs & congratulations all around, lenna

  2. Such a busy week for you. Congrats again on beautiful Izabella! The corner bookmarks are so very pretty. Weren't they fun to do? I hope you get some time to rest. Kerry P.


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