Monday, June 7, 2010

Altered Cabinet Cards

I signed up the other day in the AAWA group to make 3 Patriotic themed altered cabinet cards. I have never made an altered cabinet card, so I hope I did these correctly. The name of the photography studio on the bottom of each of the of the photo's that I selected didn't show up in the printed out copy.  Finally, after many attempts I just cut out the people. I glued the image to a piece of decorative patriotic themed scrapbook paper which was then glued to 140 # watercolor paper.
The finished card size needed to be 6.5 x 4.25.
Weird, they are both the same size, but here they don't look like they are.
The story behind my cards...The little girl is dressed and ready to attend the 4th of July parade.
The woman is waiting for her lover/husband  to come home from the war.
The 2 cards below are my first attempts. I still have to make one more.  What do you think?


  1. FABULOUS altered Cabinet Cards, Elaine!!

  2. They look wonderful. Between you and Diann I'm learning more about these wonderful cards. Thanks for sharing. Kerry P.


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