Today Bella is 17 days old. Bella went to the doctors this morning, and she grew an inch, and gained 5 ounces. So, she is now 8.12 pounds and 21 inches long. She is growing so fast, and is so much more alert.
After Bella got back from the doctors I got to babysit her from 12:30-7p.m. while her parents went to Boston to lend support to their good friends Larry and Jenn, whose son is in Children's Hospital with a head injury. Robin found it hard to leave Bella for the first time, but I assured her that I would take excellent care of her, and do a little spoiling while I was at it. I enjoyed my time with my new granddaughter. I wonder what she thought of grandma's singing. :-)
Precious! She doesn't look like a 17-day old baby - very alert and "grown up." They grow so fast - enjoy her!