Monday, September 20, 2010

September Inspiration mingle: Collaged Clipboard

Each month there are sign ups for an inspiration mingle on AAWA, a yahoo group that I belong to. A picture is posted  for us to look at, and then we must create a piece of art to send to an assigned partner. Below is the photo of for our inspiration.
september inspiration
This month my partner to send to is Roxanna. My  inspiration came to me when I was down in the basement digging thru containers of my art supplies. I found a bag that had small clipboards in it. I immediately thought of our inspiration because the clipboards reminded me of a bed and pillow.  Okay, I guess I have an active imagination, but that is what came to mind. After looking at my finished piece I am going to cover over the button paper on the top left and add something else in that area. 
I used mod podge with napkins, prints, tissue paper, postage stamp, ribbons. I then added  buttons from my stash to cover the metal clip part of the clipboard.  I hope Roxanna will like my creation. Can you see where I was coming from in my thinking? (LOL)
 I started with a plain 5 3/4 x 9 inch clipboard .
             clipboard plain            clipboard with buttons   
elaine signature3

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