Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bargains at Salvation Army Store

I had some time to kill Tuesday afternoon before I picked up my granddaughter at her high school. I decided to stop at the Salvation Army store in Bridgewater. I spent $2.50 and I was happy with my new    treasures                                                                                                          
A wooden house that is 5 x 5 1/2 with little compartments, and a chimney. I thought this would be a great to alter. I don't know why it photographed with striped bands in each opening. I will post a photo later on of the little house after I have altered it, but for now, I need to finish up some swaps that I signed up for first.
wooden house to alter
Next, I hit the glass aisle, as I am always looking for pieces to use to create garden totems. I lucked out and found 3 pieces of solid blue glass. A large, heavy, rimmed plate, a blue vase that wasn't thin rimmed and tall, heavy glass. I have found that a lot of the blue glass pieces in yard sales or thrift stores, the blue is only painted on and chips off. 
 I was really happy when I scored these pieces. I have some blue and white vases that I found  this past summer that I can use these pieces with.
blue glass ware elaine signature3


  1. Nice pieces, and I'm especially interested to see what you mean by garden totems. I'm in the process of deciding how to treat an area of my own that I'm calling my 'meditation garden'. I'll be watching.


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