Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Fabric Mod Podge Prize arrived today and what I created

This morning I heard a loud truck outside the house before 7:30 A.M..I looked out the window and saw a Fed Ex truck. I couldn't figure out what was being delivered at that time in the morning, as we hadn't ordered anything. My husband brought in the package, and told me it was for me.

Inside the box, I found the prize that I won from leaving a comment on Suzy, of the Georgia Peachez blog.    I was one of  3 lucky winners whose name was announced on October 17th., as winners of her giveaway. The Fabric Mod Podge prize was donated by Amy, of  Mod Podge Rocks .Thank you Suzy and Amy both so much!!!!! I almost never win anything.
Below: What I found in the box that Amy sent.

Mod podge prize modpodge prize
I tore open the box and not only found the Fabric Mod Podge that I won, but a bonus bottle of Dimensional Magic and brochure. Woohoo!!!! I was totally pysched and couldn't wait to get started on my first fabric Mod Podge project. 

I had on hand a package of 4-  6 x 6 cork tiles that I had picked up in Joann's as they were $2 cheaper than the same item in Michael's.. I had been thinking of what I would try when my fabric mod podge package arrived. I had already set aside my fabric for the background and fussy cut the mermaid and coral/starfish from other fabric that I had on hand. Fabric Mod Podge is much thicker than regular Mod Podge, but spread easily with a foam brush. I cut my fabric to cover my cork board just like I would  cover a book, cutting notches in the corners for a nice fit. I need to add a large piece of magnet sheet to the back.
mermaid cork board
I hope you like my mini mermaid cork board. What do you think? elaine signature3


  1. YAY! So cute and I'm so glad you are already enjoying!!

  2. Fun mermaid cork board (mermaids rule!). I am on a quest for the perfect fabric glue (currently more useful to me than the Holy Grail) and am happy to hear about fabric modge podge.

  3. What a cute cork board Elaine!!! I am so glad to see you having so much fun with your prize! *Hugs*

  4. Congratulaions on your win.... Wonderful Cork board... I love it.

  5. What a great cork board. I love the colors and the mermaid.

  6. Great cork board art. I'll have to try the product.

  7. Wahoooooooooooooooo On your WIN girl!!!!! Have fun ...your corkboard looks GREAT!!!!!!


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