Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Just wanted to wish everyone safe travels for those who travel  by car or if you are flying to spend the holiday with family and friends. I hope you all have a most wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Don't count the calories in all the delicious food that will be served, just enjoy.

Last night I made more jellied cranberry sauce. This morning I put a 25 pound turkey to soak in a salt water brine, and I still have to make a few more desserts.
Then, Black Friday, November 26th, the Christmas countdown for shopping begins with big sales, and stores opening extra early with crowds galore and lots of traffic. I don't know if I will hit the stores or not. I have a lot of my shopping done already, as I shop year round. We shall see.

Wishing you all a very blessed holiday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elaine. I enjoyed your blog so much I signed up as a follower! Love the cards you made. Like you, I seldom start early with Christmas. Not in the mood in July.

    Have a wonderful Holiday Season.
    Hugs, Pat Smith


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