Tuesday, December 14, 2010

AAWA 12 days of Christmas swap-Day 3

This morning was time to open my day 3 package from Dawn. How fun to get to open a small gift every morning until Christmas.  I have a confession to make. When I was a younger, I was so very bad. Yes, I was! It drove me crazy to see packages under the tree with name on them. If my parents went out, I would carefully unwrap and then rewrap my gifts after I peeked at what was inside and put them back under the tree.  When Tom and I first got married he would keep my gifts hidden somewhere else, because he knew I would peek. I didn't get my gifts from Tom until Christmas morning. I don't do peek anymore. :-)

Here is my wrapped package and gift from Dawn.
AAWA 12 days swap 3 wrapping AAWA 12 days swap 3
Hammered copper wire that has curled ends with little charms of a gingerbread man, candy cane and ornament. I love to read, and so I am sure this bookmark will get lots of use.
elaine signature3

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