Tuesday, December 21, 2010

AAWA 12 days swap...Day 10

It is a wintery white wonderland outside, and it is still snowing, with more on the way. Guess the children that wished for snow for Christmas got their wish. The birds are flocking to my bird feeders a hungry lot they are.  The roads have been plowed which is good, because I need to go out to finish up my errands.

Today's gift was from Sheila. Below is how the gift was packaged.AAWA 12 day swap 10 wrapped gift

Gift inside:AAWA 12 day swap 10 box 

paper box with ribbon and decorations of pine bough and cones, red berries on top. So pretty.

Goodies inside the box:AAWA 12 day swap 10 box w candyI tucked the lid inside the box so you could see how the rest of the box was decorated. Thanks, Sheila...I already ate a piece of the chocolate as I was sipping my morning coffee. Yum!

elaine signature3

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