Monday, December 27, 2010

The morning after the blizzard 12.27.2010

2010 snowstorm11
Well, it snowed all during the night and it is still snowing this morning. The TV announcers state this will be the last snowstorm of 2010.  The winds howled during the night and since we live nearer the coast we got a mix of heavy rain/wet snow, instead of light fluffy snow. Our lights flickered on and off, but we didn't lose our power.
Here are a few photos that I took this morning while I was out filling my bird feeders. It is still dark and stormy out, but the storm is winding down. I feel bad for the robin's that are in the backyard. I don't know what they are finding to eat, as they aren't seed eaters. Maybe they are finding berries in the swamp area in the woods.
Downy woodpecker eating from a suet cake.
2010 snowstorm8
Red Bellied woodpecker on suet
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Below: gorgeous male cardinals
2010 snowstorm9  2010 snowstorm13  2010snowstorm14 2010 snowstorm 17female cardinal on a snowy spruce branch
2010 snowstorm2
2010 snowstorm4
back yard ..we had a lot of small tree branches come down
2010 snowstorm 5 2010 snowstorm6
cleaning off the truck and cars
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taken from inside the house
2010 snowstorm 1
2010 snowstorm 3 Tom's tomato cages standing like soldiers around his  garden
It surely is a winter wonderland outside. With a yardstick this morning, I measured 11 inches of snow. 2010 is going out with a bang.  I'm not going anywhere, and maybe I will work on some art projects this afternoon. Even kitty doesn't want to venture outside. He is curled up in a ball on the floor near my bed in front of the heater vent taking a nap.
The ugly aftermath...after the snow plow goes down the street.2010 snowstorm 19
not so pretty now.
elaine signature3


  1. Awesome pictures Elaine!!!!! Those birds sure are loving you about now!!! I'm glad to hear you did not lose power and are able to stay snuggled inside!!!!!

  2. I love your first snow of winter photos, Elaine! It looks about the same here in south Jersey, and the birds really stand out against the white snow.

  3. What gorgeous photos of the birds and snow! LOVE Cardinals!!! *Hugs*

  4. Elaine, your pictures are wonderful - I love all the birds, the snow - it is always so pretty! Like you said - until the snow plows - then we have "snirt" - which is what winter looks like until it melts! Glad you didn't have to be out in it!


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