I just completed my day 10 tag. The tag still needs a bit of tweaking. The falling white snowflakes need to be gone over as they really aren't showing up very well under the plastic in the photo. I didn't have the snowman die or snowflake folder that Tim used. I just used the plastic snowflake embossing folder that I own, but is much busier and very different from Tim's. Decided to use it anyway, but I really like the one Tim used. Oh well, have to use what you have. I made my own snowman, hat and arms. The ribbon I chose for my tag has the words-Brrr and it's cold outside printed on it. I rubber stamped Holiday Cheer on the snowman, but I can see now that I should have used my bold Merry Christmas stamp, as it would have shown up much better with the busy overlay pattern.
2 more tags to go and my tag set will be complete.
Congratulations on completing a collection of Tim's tags. I just found your blog after a post on Stamp Talk. I love how you put your own spin on the tags by using what you had to hand. Truly beautiful work and innovative use of products!