Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Do you procrastinate? Unfortunately,  this is a very bad habit of mine. I always tell myself that I'm not going to do it anymore, but somehow I always manage to.
In December, I signed up for a 12 month 4 x 4 swap on An Affair with Art, yahoo group. The swap- All in a Years time. I chose the month of December. There were enough sign ups for 2 groups of twelve, and each participant picked a month to create their 12  4 x 4's. The due date is January 29th. We will each end up with  a piece of art (4 x 4) from all 12 participants January thru December.
I had an idea in the back of my mind of what I wanted to do, but I couldn't find the items in my messy craft room to go with the original idea. So, I kept putting off making my swap  pieces.                                                                                                                               
With the due date fast approaching I couldn't put off making my 4 x 4's any longer.  This morning I cut my papers and got to work on my simply done 4 x 4 's.  The 4 x 4's I created aren't all the same, and the backs are different too.
  I hurried to take photo's of my pieces and get the swap packaged up so I could take it to the post office to be mailed out priority mail today. I knew that we were going to get another snowstorm today, and since I had been busy making my swap pieces I hadn't looked outside. When I did, I noticed that it had started to snow a lot earlier than the weathermen had predicted. The snow was really coming down fast and heavy. I just took it real slow as I drove to Wareham to mail off my package. The highway was fine, but the side roads were extremely slippery. With this snowstorm we are suppose to get another 8-10 inches of the white stuff. :-(

Here are a sampling of the back of my 4 x 4's
4 x 4 year swap backs December
4 x 4 year swap December1 4 x 4 year swap December2
4 x 4 year swap December3
4 x 4 year swap December4
4 x 4 year swap December5
Here are my New Year 4 x 4's that I did for a swap another swap for AAWA. I mailed these out to Cher and Claudia.
4 x 4 year swap New Year 2011

Now, I've had enough with Christmas and it is time to move on to other things. I am now working on some Valentine's. I cut out hearts with my Big Kick with a new die that I bought with a 50% off coupon. I think I will sew the hearts to my card stock. Not sure if I will make 4 x 4's or Artist trading cards.
elaine signature3


  1. Looks great. Glad you made to and from back. Stay safe and warm.

  2. Your 4x4s are lovely and nostalgic. Stay safe (and warm) with all the snow.


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