Thursday, March 31, 2011

Are you kidding me????

For the past few days the weathermen have been predicting a nor'easter spring storm for April Fool's Day. Southeastern Massachusetts, being the coastal area  we were suppose to get rain and maybe a few snowflakes.
This afternoon it started to rain, but around 5 p.m. I looked out the window and was surprised to see that it had stopped raining, and it  was snowing pretty hard.
Tonight, it doesn't know if it wants to rain or snow. The snow is heavy and wet and there is about 3 inches of the white stuff that has accumulated.
I  took these pictures at 9 p.m. I opened the kitchen door and stuck my camera out for a few quick shots using the night time photos option on my digital camera. 
Railing on the kitchen steps
Hope that I will wake up tomorrow morning and it will have rained and all the snow will be gone.  I think the old saying March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb really doesn't apply this year. Not a fun way to start off April and it certainly isn't a great April Fools Day joke either, but glad this storm won't be like the April Fools Day storm that turned into a blizzard in 1997.
Just when I saw my rose bush had leaf buds that were starting to swell open.
elaine signature3


  1. Same here in south Jersey, Elaine. At least, it surely has to melt quickly.

  2. We're supposed to be getting snow tonight in southwest Michigan.

  3. I always love seeing the snow since we just don't see that much in NC...everything here is a bloom and its a beautiful time of the year!


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