Thursday, March 10, 2011

Give away..sewing machine are

I put everyone's name who left a comment to win sewing machine charms into a basket. While at my parents the other day I had them draw out names. So, if the following would send me an  email with your mailing info I will get the little sewing machine charms out in the mail to you.

Debi..left a message on blog
Sharon...package will be going out in the mail.
Barbara...your charms were mailed out today. March 11th.

Debi and Sharon...I checked your blogger profile pages and you both had no way to contact you by email.  Sharon, I couldn't get your blog to fully load to leave a message. Hopefully, you will check back and see that you won and email me your addresses.
Thanks to everyone who left comments.


  1. Congratulations to the lucky winners!

  2. Oooooo...thank you! I was wondering which kind of Spirit Doll I would make next, and this has made up my mind -- she will be "Sewing Girl Spirit Doll" adorned with a couple of these charms. Thank you, Elaine, I'll be in touch. Thank your parents for me too. :)

  3. Elaine, a way to contact bloggers is to leave a comment on their blog. Maybe you can reach Debi and Sharon that way. Both are active bloggers, and I easily found their blogs: (Debi) (Sharon)


  4. Wow I won!!!! Thank you so much, and thanks Birgit for directing her to our blogs for contact. Not sure why it wasn't loading for you Elaine. Sometimes those little network gremlins play with our connections, don't they? I'll reply to your email with my mailing addy. So exciting!!! Thanks!



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