Friday, March 4, 2011

Got Soap?...Felted that is

On the yahoo group, Art Haven, Eileen posted that she took a soap felting class from someone in her building and posted a picture on her blog.
You maybe wondering why would anyone want to felt a bar of soap. Well, for one thing I have lots of wool rovings in a lot of colors.The felted bars make lovely gifts. The bar of soap also isn't slippery with the felted covering, and the felt also doubles as a wash cloth/scrubber in the shower or bath.
When I got home from taking my mom to the doctor's this afternoon I opened a box of lemon grass scented soap, and selected some blue and fushia wool rovings to cover the bar of soap. I then felted the soap by hand. I wet the wool using hot water. My hands feel so soft and smell so good now that I am finished.  I also used a plastic paint tray liner for a scrubber at the very end to make sure all the wool was firmly in place and molded to the bar of soap.
For a quick refresher on how to make felted soap, I did a google search for felting soap. and there were many sites to look at, but I liked this one...Little Birdies Secret .
Next bar that I make I will add some designs to the felt. In the photo below my wool isn't quite dry.
blue felted soap bar1
Yesterday, I mentioned that I had gone to Joann Fabrics craft store.  Here is a photo of fabric that I fell in love with, because I just love birds. I have already cut some blocks from the piece and will sew them onto fabric collages. I love fabric that I can get a lot of pieces from. I used a 40% off coupon on the 1/2 yard piece of fabric that I bought.
bird fabric
elaine signature3


  1. Elaine, I've seen these felted bars of soap in specialty shops here. They are very special! If you enjoyed making this one, perhaps you should make more and put them out there. My daughter likes to make beads using the soap and water method. I'm going to send this post to her. Perhaps she would like to try it! I know she has a lot of roving because I just bought a batch at AC Moore to share with her. Hey, maybe I'll try it! I go to JoAnn's a lot, but somehow I never come away with such a treasure as your bird fabric. I think my eye for spotting things isn't as good, I've noticed that before. You will turn this fabric into some very special things, I'm sure!

  2. I'm far too lazy to try my hand at making such a creative bar of soap! Very cool idea, though!

    Thank you for the lovely wall adornment! My first impulse was to frame it and hang it on the wall, but I could not bring myself to cover the beautiful border! Now I have it sitting on the shelf of my workspace, and it increases the beauty of my workspace noticeably!

  3. What a great idea! I think I might want to try making some of this soap. I can just imagine how good it must smell.

  4. Love the bar of soap. Does the blue not run out of the wool?


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