Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Laurel Burch Cat fabric hearts

Over a year ago I made fiber filled hanging hearts for a Christmas swap. While I was creating the hearts I cut out numerous fabric heart shapes for fronts and backs, and at the time I didn't end up using  all of the fabric pieces.
Yesterday afternoon while going thru my sewing cabinet, in a drawer I came across the stack of the cut out heart shaped fabric pieces. I decided to finish a few of the hearts.
I chose the Laurel Burch cat fabric. The blue heart I cut out a cat  and ironed it onto the blue fabric.  The finished hearts can be used as ornaments or just for decoration on a door knob or where ever you chose to hang the heart.
Fronts:heart hanging pillows LB fronts
Backs:heart hanging pillows LB backs
I still have a lot more heart shapes to finish up into hanging heart pillows.  

I took a walk around the yard today, and found some of my crocus blooming in my rock garden by the fish pond. I love crocus, and decided to change my blog header photo again, but instead of my first daffodils of the season, I am using a photo of my first crocus. Aren't the crocus pretty? Daffodils and crocus blooming in the yard, and it is warm and sunny today, but Friday we are suppose to have  rain/snow.
 elaine signature3


  1. Hi Elaine!

    Love the Laurel Burch cats! I still
    have some of that fabric too.
    Maybe sometime I will get to it.
    Pretty little crocus plants you have!


  2. Have been away and am now catching up. Love your new photo, must get something done to my own blog for spring. And the hearts are adorable! I always look forward to one of your many, many little projects!


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