Saturday, July 2, 2011

July Birthday Giveaway

Blog giveaway's are fun don't you think? Have you ever won one? Well, if not...maybe your name will be drawn this time.
I decided that since next weekend I will be celebrating my birthday I would host a birthday giveaway.  One usually receives gifts for their birthday, but I want to share with you, my readers a chance of winning a new,  soft cover book...The Artistic Mother by Shona Cole.                                                                                                          The book has many contributors and lots of fun projects ...which include mixed media, photography, sewing,  journals and more.
artistic mother softcover book
Now how to win my giveaway...
Become a follower if you aren't already one. Leave a comment, and make sure there is a way that I can contact you if your name is drawn.                                                          
3. Mention my giveaway on your blog and link back to this giveaway post and your name will be entered twice, but make sure to mention  in your comment that you did that.

And, I know this has been a problem in the past, and I don't know why, but it often times happens to me when I want to leave a comment on a blog...if you are a follower, but Blogger won't accept your comment...than send me an email, and I will enter your name so that your name is in the drawing.

I will post the winner next weekend, on July 11th.
Good Luck and thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. elaine signature3


  1. great giveaway. thank you for the chance to win

  2. What a great giveaway, Elaine. I hope you have
    a wonderful birthday, my friend.

  3. Great Giveaway Elaine! Please count me in!
    Have a great Birthday!!

  4. Elaine I checked out your giveaway - hope it accepts my comment! Hope your family had a fun 4th of July too ~ Jeri Aaron

    Jeri...I added your comment, as it never came thru to be approved. :-) Thanks for becoming a follower.

  5. Happy Birthday Elaine! Looks like a wonderful book!


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