Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Modge Podge Mermaid Bottle

Do you believe in mermaids? I love the ocean, and think it would be great fun to frolic beneath the waves with mermaids. Since, I know that won't happen, and I can't swim very well, I just collect mermaid items.

Finally...last night I created a small art project.

Last year I bought a package of beautiful mermaid napkins. The 4 panels on the large napkins each had mermaids on them. 2 panels with blonde mermaids and 2 panels with dark haired, mermaid beauties with flowing hair.

I had a little time last night, and fussy cut out one panel of the mermaid napkins that had a blonde mermaid, because when I was young, my hair was golden blonde. Cutting around the hair took quite sometime, and a few of the flowing locks became victims to the scissors, sorry to say.



I had an odd shaped, green decorative bottle left over that I bought a long time ago, cheap to use in project. Well, after filling most of the bottles that I had bought with nice smelling homemade bath salts, that I gave as gifts, I found that I had one lonely bottle left over.

I modge podged the cut out mermaid to my bottle, and then started tearing strips of thick, handmade, bumpy green paper to modge podge onto the bottle to be used as seaweed. I glued the paper/seaweed onto the front and back sides of the bottle. I then glued a white shell that I picked up in the Florida Keys onto the cork stopper. Then I dragged out the box that I have filled with my fiber stash, I added some pretty fibers around the bottles neck. I just need to add a few ocean themed charms from the fibers and my mermaid bottle will be finished. Well, maybe not, as I was thinking of gluing some beach sand with a pinch of glitter to the base of the bottle to look like the bottom of the ocean. Now, I'm not sure if I will keep the mermaid bottle, give it as a gift, or maybe as a future giveaway on my blog.

I also cut out a cute seahorse image from an ocean themed napkin, and am thinking that will be used on an ATC (artist trading card) or on my S tag in the alphabet swap that I am in on An Affair with Art, yahoo group.

Do you use napkins in your art? If you don't, you should, as there are so many fun projects you can add them too and they work great with Modge Podge. Elaine


  1. Love, love, love it! Mermaids are my favorite things. Where did you find the napkins? I am keeping you and you family in my prayers.
    Claudia from AAWA

  2. I, too, love mermaids and your beautiful mermaid is a perfect delight.

  3. I love your Mermaid bottle! It was nice chatting with you in Walmart today! And I am going to try your Mother's recipe! I'll be checking in, and hope that things settle down for you soon. Maybe I'll see you on Pinterest soon! : )

  4. Aw cute! She's really pretty! I love sparkly mermaids too. :D


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