I should be doing several other things right now, like finishing up my laundry and starting our supper.
But, wanted to write a little about the lovely bridal shower I attended for my niece, Becky, on Sunday. The shower was held at the Carver Sportsman Club. The day was beautiful, sunny and warm. The shower was given by Becky's older sister, Julie. Julie made the favors and table decorations. Many friends and family members attended.
Becky and her husband, Richard were married last summer in a small ceremony. They planned on having a renewal of their vows for family and friends when he returned home from Iraq, as they wanted to get married before he was shipped overseas. To date, Richard hasn't been shipped out. So, Becky was given a bridal shower and Becky and Richards renewal of vows ceremony will take place on September 3, 2011.
Party favors...Packages of S'mores with 2 marshmallows, Hershey chocolate and graham crackers.
The shower was beach themed. My sister in law, Linda made a cute cake for her daughters shower. The large round, bottom layer was chocolate, with white frosting and piped with blue waves. The top cake was lemon with a lemon drizzled glaze shaped liked a sandcastle, and a layer of brown sugar was around the sandcastle to resemble sand. Too cute, and both cakes were super moist.
view from the top of the cake.
cupcakes with paper parasols. Chocolate and white cupcakes with white frosting and brown sugar. Paper pinwheels were on each table in colorful, plastic, beach buckets filled with sand were created by Julie.
My brother, Paul helped with the cooking for the buffet table. The food was plentiful and delicious and filled a long table.
Paul taking a rest after hours in the hot kitchen.
Becky received so many beautiful gifts and I am only sharing a few here, or they would take forever to download, and probably bore you all. Gifts received at wedding showers today are sure different than what was given 43 years ago.
For the something blue. My Auntie Gert crocheted the linen handkerchief with blue for Becky.
so many beautiful gifts...kitchen items, towels, bowls, wooden salad set, glasses, pots and pans, dishes with serving pieces, bread maker, candles, pictures for the wall, hand blender, knives, cutting board, trifle bowl, wicker basket filled with items for their house that they bought and redoing. Money, gift certificates, recipe book, photo album, basket of goodies for a get together with friends, stainless hostess serving set, cheese board, bake ware, vases, and so much more.
I brought home the big bag of gift wrap from all the gifts to recycle into hand made paper. I wish I had the time to make the paper on my back deck while the weather is so nice. Another project on the back burner until my mom comes home with round the clock care.
I took a lot of photos at the shower. Here is my Bella with her mom, Robin. I baby sat Bella, Saturday night, and she was so good for me.
my niece Trish's daughter, Cassie.
my dad, auntie Gert, Delores our neighbor growing up, and my mom who I took out of the nursing home for the day.
When I got home, I took a picture of my Rose of Sharon bush that is loaded with flowers. The hummingbirds are really busy visiting the blooming flowers, and the cats are going crazy sitting on their shelf in the front window looking out watching them.
What a wonderful family time.