Saturday, September 24, 2011

2 Halloween accordion fold cards

 Halloween accordian fold card1
front of card
This afternoon I wanted to make a few Halloween cards. I wasn't sure what kind, but thought I would try making some cards that had accordion folds.
I took a piece of black cardstock and with a metal ruler marked off spaces the width of the ruler, and then scored the lines. Next, I folded the paper to make an accordion fold.  I then cut smaller strips in an orange print and glued those to the fronts of each fold and on the back.
accordian fold girl w wings card back
To the back I glued a length of orange ribbon.
open card to which I placed Halloween images and Happy Halloween. As you could see in the first photo the card ties in the front and is free standing when open.
Halloween accordian fold card open
accordian fold girl w black cat accordian fold girl w black cat2
This second card was an experiment. I cut a piece of 8.5 x 11 inch cardstock in half. I then used an exacto knife and a ruler to make cuts on each side of the paper about 1/2 inch in. Next time I would probably make the cuts one inch in from each side. Then I scored and accordion folded the middle of the paper and ended up with 3 folds, and then folded the card in half. On the folds I added cutouts. On the bottom front fold I added a strip of decorative cardstock. The card stands open and the cutouts can be viewed easily. I haven't made any construction cards in ages. These were easy and I thought they turned out pretty good for an experiment.  What do you think?
elaine signature3

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