Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cheese Dreams

Cheese Dreams before placing in the oven to cook.

When I was 8 years old I received my first cookbook as a Christmas present from my mother. I still think that little spiral bound child's cookbook has some of my favorite recipes.

I knew I would be watching the Patriots football game late this afternoon so earlier I cooked up a package of bacon to use for a quick and easy supper.  I decided I would make Cheese Dreams.

English muffins...halved. If you don't have English muffins on hand you could use slices of Italian bread for the base.

pizza or spaghetti sauce

American cheese slices cut into 1/4's  or mozzarella cheese

optional: tomato slices.. if desired. I used tomatoes from our garden

cooked bacon pieces..1 strip cut in half for each muffin half

Instead of bacon you can substitute..  pepperoni slices, pre cooked, sliced or ground linguica (Portuguese sausage), or precooked crumbled hamburg and onions.

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees

On a cookie sheet place the English muffin halves, spoon some pizza sauce on top of the muffins, add slice of tomato, 2 half strips of bacon and 2 strips of American cheese to make a cross.

Bake until the cheese melts.

This recipe is quick and easy and everyone likes them. I think instead of making big pizza's on Halloween I will make these mini pizza's for whomever stops by while out trick or treating.

elaine signature3

1 comment:

  1. Yummy. I used to make something very similar from a recipe I learned way back in 7th grade Home Ec.


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