Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 11 AAWA 12 day swap

2011 AAWA day 11 packaging of 12 day swap

cute packaging of today's gift from Annette

Time is flying and Christmas is almost here and this morning I looked forward to opening my day 11 gift.

 2011 AAWA day 11 front of ornament of 12 day swap  front of Annette's ornament


2011 AAWA day 11 back of ornament of 12 day swapbackside

Tomorrow, Christmas Eve day I will open the last of the day 12 swap gifts. It will also mean it will be the end of this wonderful swap.  I am so glad that I participated and each little gift has been a treasure to open and I will hate to have the fun end. Thank you, Annette for today's lovely ornament. I love the vintage look.

elaine signature3

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