Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 5 AAWA 12 day swap

   2011 AAWA day 5 packaging Teresa of 12 day swappackaging

Once again this morning I had a pretty little package to look forward to opening as I sat and had a cup of coffee. Today's gift was created by Teresa.

2011 AAWA day 5 Teresa of 12 day swapisn't this piece adorable? I love the vintage image of the children. Thanks Teresa.

elaine signature3

p.s..I am feeling somewhat better. The doctor put me on antibiotics and also gave me an inhaler due to my wheezing. Hopefully by Monday I will be well enough to go out and finish my last couple of errands. Then it will be time to wrap, wrap, wrap.

1 comment:

  1. It seems there's always more to do at the last minute. Hope you feel well enough to run your errands and then wrap, wrap wrap.


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