I was digging thru an old file box and came across some old photos this morning. There aren't many photos of me of when I was a baby as most are really faded.
The photo below is one my Uncle Norman took of me playing in the sand pile at my dad's cranberry bog. I was happy to find the print of this on a sheet that I had copied many years ago. The only photo of this picture had been on my book shelf and one day when we were away, it fell and the dog chewed up the picture. I was really upset, and so this morning when I found that I had taken the photo to Staples many years ago to be copied...I was excited to find the copy this morning. I get a laugh out of the photo every time I look at it. My mother had made the little romper shorts that I am wearing in the photo.
The story goes that I tried sitting in my red, doll carriage, and that is why the bottom is sagging.
Here is another photo taken on my grandfather's steps.
Dad, my older brother, Larry, Mom and I.
I love this photo. I was too young to remember the picture being taken, but I look at all of us now and think how young we were and how many years have passed. When this picture was taken my dad was about 32 and mom was probably 27. My dad is now 93 and my mom, who now has Alzheimer's will be 89 in April. My mother had made the outfits including the coats and hats that my brother and I were wearing.
The photo below is one my Uncle Norman took of me playing in the sand pile at my dad's cranberry bog. I was happy to find the print of this on a sheet that I had copied many years ago. The only photo of this picture had been on my book shelf and one day when we were away, it fell and the dog chewed up the picture. I was really upset, and so this morning when I found that I had taken the photo to Staples many years ago to be copied...I was excited to find the copy this morning. I get a laugh out of the photo every time I look at it. My mother had made the little romper shorts that I am wearing in the photo.
The story goes that I tried sitting in my red, doll carriage, and that is why the bottom is sagging.
Here is another photo taken on my grandfather's steps.
Dad, my older brother, Larry, Mom and I.
I love this photo. I was too young to remember the picture being taken, but I look at all of us now and think how young we were and how many years have passed. When this picture was taken my dad was about 32 and mom was probably 27. My dad is now 93 and my mom, who now has Alzheimer's will be 89 in April. My mother had made the outfits including the coats and hats that my brother and I were wearing.
Lovely memories Elaine - and photographs, hope you can share them with your parents still xx
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos, Elaine..they are treasures...I love old photos for the memories, the joy and even the laughs they bring...Hugs, Kathy