When I got home from my parents late this afternoon I decided I would try making an Artist Organizer. I didn't have a pattern and just cut some felt and oilcloth and that I had bought on Cape Cod over a year ago. I didn't even drag out my rotary cutter or cutting mat. Just eyeballed the fabrics when cutting.
I have been wanting to try making a travel art organizer, and decided to give it a go. The oil cloth wasn't the easiest to work with as it kept sticking to the machine and didn't slide along easily. This organizer isn't perfect, but for a first attempt, it isn't horrible either. I will have a better idea with my next attempt.
With my busy schedule, I don't know if I will get to making another Artist organizer, but if the winner of my giveaway wants this trial and error travel artist organizer...I will send it off with the paint and water color paper. Just let me know. Just don't critique the sewing. (LOL) Most days I can't even think about art projects, because I am tired and wiped out from stress. Thankfully, my husband has been very understanding and patient.
This past week has been crazier for me than normal. For almost 3 years, I have been the one that does most everything for my parents..their errands, appointments, banking, shopping, bring meals over several times a week, and during the week..stops for milk and bread or whatever else is needed. I live about 10 miles from my parents.
I don't make any plans without consulting my date book/pocket calendar to see what is already scheduled for that day. Every week they have several appointments scheduled. I have a hard time fitting in appointments for myself. So many times at the last minute I have to cancel my days activities, doctor appointments or whatever, because there is some emergency happening at my parents that need tending, and I have to drop everything and get whatever the issue is taken care of.
Don't get me wrong..I love my parents dearly and would do anything for them, but some times taking care of elderly parents is just an overwhelming task when you get very little help or relief . I gave up my nursing job, because it was becoming to difficult to handle my parents appointments and needs and work too. At my age, my parent's were enjoying themselves wintering in Florida, going on trips and cruises. My life is on hold for now, but on the other hand...I am very thankful to still have them at 93 and 89 and hope they are with us for a long time.
Don't get me wrong..I love my parents dearly and would do anything for them, but some times taking care of elderly parents is just an overwhelming task when you get very little help or relief . I gave up my nursing job, because it was becoming to difficult to handle my parents appointments and needs and work too. At my age, my parent's were enjoying themselves wintering in Florida, going on trips and cruises. My life is on hold for now, but on the other hand...I am very thankful to still have them at 93 and 89 and hope they are with us for a long time.
Some days just get to me more than others and I guess this just happened to be one of those days.
The big problem is...there is always some emergency and I have to drop everything when I get a panicked call from my parents house from their caregiver or their agency. The agency is paid big money, and they can't seem to handle any little problems. My cell phone rings almost every day from that agency...sometimes I could just scream, because most of the calls are for foolishness and the care givers should be able to handle it. That is what drives me up the wall and really frustrates the heck out of me. I've mentioned before my mom has Alzheimer's and she can be very hard to deal with at times. Mom is great with my brothers, but sometimes the things she says to me, knife me in the heart. I know she doesn't know what she is saying, but still it hurts. I only want the best for her and to keep her safe.
Last Friday my brother took my dad to the ER to be seen and they kept him for a week. His diagnosis,CHF and bronchitis. Dad is 93, and I was really worried that he had pneumonia. I tried getting him to go to the doctors the week before, but he is stubborn, and wouldn't go until he was about half dead. My mom was very difficult and agitated while dad was in the hospital.
Yesterday morning Dad called me to let me know that he would be coming home, and could I pick him up for 1:30 that afternoon. Okay, no problem. In the meantime, the agency that we have 24/7 care for my mother called to tell me, my mother was really sick. I had been out grocery shopping. That was the end of my shopping. I paid for what was in my cart, and then called Mom's doctors office to see if mom could be seen that day. Luckily the doctor squeezed her in so she could been seen and not go thru the weekend with the wheezing and hacking cough. Her appointment was for 1 P.M. I then had to call one of my brothers to see if they could pick up my dad, as I didn't want to bring my sick mother to the hospital.
Found out my mother also has bronchitis, and was put on antibiotics. On the way home from the doctors, I stopped at the drug store to get Mom's prescription filled, and then I took her home. I stayed until her care giver arrived. I had brought them some baked ham, and veggies that I had as leftovers for their dinner. So they ate early and then rested.
This morning I went grocery shopping for my parents. I waited to see the visiting nurse that the hospital set up to come out for home visits. I wanted to be there for the initial visit, as my dad is extremely hard of hearing. The nurse was coming to see my dad and will keep an eye on him for the next few weeks.
While I was at my parents today I made them an apple pie, which they enjoyed. Dad loves home made pie. My mom had been a great cook before Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is such a devastating disease, and so difficult to watch a loved one fade before your eyes.
While at my parents, I took a walk into their back field and picked some fresh asparagus for their dinner to go with the cooked chicken I brought over for them. I saw the wild turkeys cutting thru their backyard when I was picking the asparagus.
The turkeys are daily visitors to their yard. I love watching those enormous birds, and so do my parents.
The turkeys are daily visitors to their yard. I love watching those enormous birds, and so do my parents.
Well, I have to get off the computer and start making supper for us.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Elaine you are a SAINT!!! Your parents sound so much like mine, especially that stubborn dad! I live 2 1/2 hours away from them and have two brothers and two sisters who live in or close to their city and an angel of a niece (aptly named Angela!) who twitters about doing the things you've described. You have a special reward waiting for you in Heaven!
I think your organizer turned out great. You deserved some thread time for yourself and I bet that felt good didn't it?!?
I'm exhausted just reading about all this, Elaine. My sister is the one who does this for my 93 and 94 year old parents. She is the only one of us siblings who lives near them in NC. Your post reminds me of how her life surely is from day to day. Stay strong and well.
How on earth do you find the time to create anything, let alone this lovely organiser, Elaine? Your life sounds chaotic right now - my thoughts and prayers are with you. My parents emigrated to New Zealand and while I was devastated at the time, I'm now glad when I think that I won't have to be the one taking care of them - my brother (also over there) can do that. Selfish, I know, but I have to find something good in it. My heart goes out to you. I hope they both heal quickly and you get some quality time for you. Blessings x
Your organizer looks great. You really have a busy schedule. My father-in-law had Alzheimers and lived with us for two years and my heart goes out to you. You are doing an amazing job.
I think your organizer looks amazing. I took care of my great grandmother and grandmother -- I know the joy and pain of helping them age gracefully. Thinking of you.
Great organizer! I've used strips of tissue paper to keep vinyl from sticking - I'm sure that would work with the oilcloth, too. Keeping you in my thoughts.
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