Saturday, April 21, 2012

Time for another GIVEAWAY

watercolor giveaway

Yesterday was the last day to get your taxes in the mail, and many people dread tax day. I know we do. So, I decided to have an after tax day giveaway.
My giveaway this time is a pad of water color paper and a set of water color paints.  I will leave this giveaway open for a week.
To win my little giveaway you must leave a comment below. This giveaway is open to all, but please make sure I can contact you if you win.
If you've had problems leaving comments to my blog in the past it should be easier to leave a comment on my blog now, because I did away with the dreaded word verification that can be so difficult to read and very frustrating.
Check back to see if your name is drawn.

P.S. 4/21/2012 This afternoon I created an  travel Artist Organizer by trial and error. I had no pattern. to follow.   I wasn't really sure what I was doing. The organizer didn't come out bad, but it isn't perfect, as it is  just a prototype.
If your name is drawn and you would like  me to also send along this  organizer..mistakes and all...I will send it along with the paints and water color paper. Just let me know when I contact you.. (extra brushes not included)
artist organizer open artist organizer oilcloth front


  1. What a fun have such a huge heart and make so many smile! Thank you for being you!

  2. How very nice of you ELaine!
    Good luck to all!

  3. What a great prize package Elaine! Thanks for the opportunity to win! *Hugs*

  4. Hi Elaine, Wow I was just checking out your blog and have to say that I love your chickens. I collect roosters (not the real ones)lol. Your header looks like a picture of Florida. I miss Florida, lived there for 30 yrs. Anyhow have a great day!! I hope to win your contest.. ;)

  5. Hello Elaine , would love to win this .....
    Talk to you later, cheryl

  6. thanks for this great giveaway.

  7. Whoa! Must be karma... My 3 yr old grandson has been using my watercolors... and well, they aren't very pretty anymore. Keeping my fingers crossed! Hi Elaine!

  8. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH How FUN of you, Elaine!! Great giveaway...who doesn't love paints and watercolor paper!! :)

  9. Hi Elaine,
    Thank you for tihs lovely giveaway,looks so fun!!
    I would love to win this :)

  10. What a lovely give away! How sweet of you to do that!

  11. This would be an honor to win! I think if I won I'd commission my daughter to paint a special picture of you, well I'd give her the set to use and then ask her to paint your picture.

    lilypadsis at cox dot net

  12. What a wonderful gift to give - you are so thoughtful. I don't know how you find the time, but you do. Bless you x

  13. Wonderful organizer!!! Take care of you while you are caring for so many others!!! Sending hugs and much love!!

  14. Wow Elaine...what a nice give away. You do so much for your parents...I know they appreciate it, but sometimes don't know how to say it. You are full of love and give of yourself....You are a really special lady...but even more special to God....

  15. Elaine, what a wonderful idea. Wish you had this for yourself as you helped your dad. Glad he is finally home and you are finding some you time!

  16. This looks nfeat Elaine - you know I'm all over it!!! Jeri Aaron

  17. Love your blog. The organizaer is real neat. You do such nice work.
    Lucy T

  18. Elaine, I love your travel folder.... you sure can't tell there are any mistakes by the pictures. I saw the pictures on the list photo section before finding your blog. I like your blog so am glad I found it, lol. Keep showing what you do as your work is inspiring.


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