Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

2012 Redwhiteblue hanging pot2 hanging red/white/blue flower pot with a hummingbird feeder

It has been awhile since I've had time to write on my blog. I've just been very busy and then too tired at night to sit and write.

Our granddaughter, Katie's final Choral at Bridgewater Raynham High School was held May  16th.                                                                                                                    Katie will be graduating high school next weekend, and then she will be attending Assumption College in the fall.

5.16.2012 Katies last choral at BR..whole group12 5.16.2012 Katies last choral at BR..Katie 5.16.2012 Katies last choral at BR..Katie13    5.16.2012 Katies last choral at BR..Katie17     5.16.2012 Katies last choral at BR..Katie with teacher and flowers4

I also got to visit with my godmother who was visiting from Florida. My godmother, has been my mothers best friend since they they were 12 years old.

 auntie dot 5.22.2012

This past week I was at my parents house everyday. For the past two days I took my mom, dad and aunt to plant flowers on all the family graves for Memorial Day (New Bedford, Fairhaven, Acushnet, Carver, and Middleboro. I still have to put flowers on the graves that are on Cape Cod.

There was a family party last weekend for Bella to celebrate her 2nd. birthday.

 5.19.12 Bella 2nd birthday party1 5.19.12 Bella 2nd birthday party2 5.19.12 Bella 2nd birthday party3 5.19.12 Bella 2nd birthday party4 5.19.12 Bella 2nd birthday party5      5.19.12 Bella 2nd birthday party robin bella cake7   

Thursday, May 24th was her actual birthday.

5.24.2012 Bella 2nd birthday 

Since I haven't had time to create any art, I will share some photos of spring flowers.

I don't know what kind of tree this is, but there is one in our town and saw another at the River View Cemetery in Fairhaven. The flowers are tubular, light lavender. The flowers have a faint sweet smell and the leaves are heart shaped. Both trees I saw were very tall. It also looked like there were brown nuts or something brown amongst the leaves..Can you tell me what kind of tree this is? Click on the photos for a better look.

tree with purple flowers5 closeup of tubular flower

tree with purple flowers6 closeup of tubular flower tree with purple flowers tree with purple flowers2  tree with purple flowers3 tree with purple flowers4

white wisteria closeup2 I found this beautiful white wisteria at the River View Cemetery in Fairhaven.

my clematis

clematis 5.20.2012 2 my clematisclematis 5.24.2012

Spring 2012 orange gold irismy lovely orange/gold large bearded iris

Spring 2012 blue iris Spring 2012 blue iris2 Spring 2012 dads pink double peonies1 Spring 2012 dads pink double peonies w ant2 if you click on this photo you will see an ant on the large peony flower. I gave this plant to my parents years ago.

Spring 2012 dads pink double peonies w ant3 

I'm running out of room to plant things around my yard, but I couldn't resist buying the Peony bulbs. Picture of flowers below. Now to get them planted.

2012 Peony Sorbet bulbs1

2012 Peony Sorbet bulbs2 

Spring 2012 peach iris aunties 

Spring 2012 peach iris aunties2you really can't tell from this picture, but my aunt's peachy/pink iris was 8 inches across and the photo just doesn't show how BEAUTIFUL this iris really is.

ladyslippers1 lady slippers in the woods. I use to see these spring woodland flowers all over and now, where I always found them..they are no longer there. If someone picks the flowers the plants won't be able to reseed themselves.

Have a wonderful long holiday weekend. Also a big thank you to all of those who have served in the military.



  1. Lovely photos of important family events. The flower photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Hi Elaine,

    Thanks for the nice comment! I am having a good day! Your flowers are beautiful and I love the pond in the photo! Is it yours? I hope you have a wonderful time with your family! Yes you have been very busy!!!


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