Giveaway...Smash book Stickers and a set of clear alphabet stamps
Okay everyone..I bought a Smash book months ago and have collected stuff to put into the book, but I just can't seem to get started. I do know that I am going to use my punch to make a hole and add a grommet so I can hang a small pair of blunt tipped scissors from the spine of the book. I want to make sure that my scissors will always be handy. How do you store your collected items and little tools that you use in your Smash book? I've noticed there are now 3 sizes of Smash books in the stores. A scrapbook 12 x 12 size and small size that will fit in a purse. HELP ME GET STARTED!!!!
my Smash Book and stuff I have collected to add to the book
I want to fill my book with recipes that I have clipped from magazines, menu's, fabric, projects I'd like to tackle. Ideas or inspiration, ticket stubs from places, brochures from where I've been in my travels, maps, wrappers from favorite products. I don't know, just what ever strikes my fancy. Random stuff not ending up with an album that looks like an art journal. I guess I want my book to be like an old fashioned glue book filled with things that I like. I have a clear 12 x 12 envelope with lots of goodies that I have collected, but I just haven't got any of it to my Smash book.
To win my Giveaway prize you have to leave a comment with helpful tips to get me started. If you Smash, how did you get started? What is in your Smash book? This giveaway is open to all. Pass the word as I'd really like to get started. Thanks!!!!
All of this week has been hot and very humid. Wednesday night we had a bad thunder/lightening storm with high winds. We got an inch of rain in about 1/2 hours. Unfortunately my glads had just started to open and the heavy wind snapped the stems. This morning I cut the flower stems and put them in a blue bottle. I am thinking of decoupaging the bottle.
Have a wonderful weekend. I am off to get my hair cut and highlighted. I haven't highlighted my hair in years. I felt like a change. Anyway, stay cool and hope you leave me lots of tips for a chance to win my little contest. Thanks for visiting.
I have little smash books that I do for birthdays and I have not made one for myself yet. But I was having the same problem with my art journal. What you have to do is give yourself a block of time - say 30 minutes and stick to it and just do it. If you get one page done, I think you'll be hooked!