Wednesday, August 22, 2012

By the Sea...ornament

beach sand 4 ornamentbeach ornament on stand

I love the beach, and wanted to make some ornaments that have a beach theme to give as Christmas gifts. The ornaments that I want to make could be left out all year long if so desired. The ornament in this post is my first attempt.

I brought home a container of fine, beach sand from Corporation Beach, in Dennis, MA. The shells inside the ornament are just a few of the many I have collected over the years. I also used greens, beads, sheer ribbon and a large shell.

It was difficult getting a good photograph of this ornament due to glare. I placed the ornament on a small stand, but it would look much on one of those hanging stands.

 beach sand 1ornament   

beach sand 2 ornament

beach sand3ornament

beach sand 5ornamentslightly blurry and glare on the ornament


1 comment:

  1. What a sweet and personal gift for your friends and family.


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