Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Kitchen Gadgets

pineapple cutter1

I love them! My sister in law teases me and tells me I have one of everything, but that's not true. I do a lot of cooking and I love having little tools that help make the job go faster and easier.

I've had 2 pineapples sitting on the table since last week that needed to be cut so I can make another batch of jam. I love fresh pineapple, but there is always so much waste. I've looked at a pineapple cutter in the local grocery store for quite sometime, and never bought it. This morning when I went to the store to pick up a few things, I saw the cutter and decided to buy it.

Wow! I can't believe how little waste there is when you use this tool and you don't get the "eyes" of the pineapple in your slices.

pineapple cutter and fruit

the pineapple cutter removes the core, makes nice slices and leaves very little waste. Glad I spent the $7.49 and wish I had bought this gadget a long time ago. I buy a fresh pineapple every week.

I made kale soup this morning, and then packed some up to bring to my aunt and my parents. Tomorrow I will attempt making dill pickles for the first time, and a batch of pineapple jam.


1 comment:

  1. My mother used to love kitchen gadgets and had tons of them (my father used to tease her about having to buy every "handy-dandy" gadget she saw). One of our favorite yearly expeditions was to go to the home show and see all the demos and come home with something new.


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