Monday, December 17, 2012

AAWA 12 Days of Christmas swap/Day 5

Today was the day to open day 5 that was mailed from Gloria H. in Michigan.


AAWA 2012 12 days swap day 5 wrapped Gloria H  protective wrapping

AAWA 2012 12 days swap day 5 wrapped Gloria H1 gift tucked inside white see thru bag with bells tied to the ribbon.

AAWA 2012 12 days swap day 5 unwrapped Gloria Haneslovely glass 2 sided ornament..Rejoice. This ornament is lovely, but today it was rainy and dark and it was hard to get a good photograph. Thanks Gloria.

Next Monday night will be Christmas Eve...hard to believe that 2012 is almost over.


  1. Hi Elaine,

    your swap gifts are beautiful! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog.I love yur snow scene blog banner- I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year!Hugs from me! Linda


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