Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Florida trip..places and things

My cousin Cheryl and I drove to Florida. Below are some photos I took. I always seem to have my camera out.

Jacksonville was our first stop in Florida. We stayed  couple of nights with my cousin, Cheryl's cousin Pam and her family.

Yings takee outtee Jacksonville this small Chinese take out restaurants sign just cracked me up. This little restaurant wasn't far from where we stayed.

St. Augustine was our next stop. 

Florida 3. 2013 St Augustine old doorway old door on Aville's Street

Florida old woolworths door sign a vacant store that still has it's Woolworth's door. I use to love going to town as a child and shopping in Woolworth's. Miss that store.

Bridge of Lions St AugustineBridge of Lions

Florida 3. 2013 St Augustine low tide oyster bed low tide near the bridge...oyster bed

Florida 3.2013 St. Augustine Museum store Gator Bob's store in St. Augustine where I stopped to buy my husband Datil Hot Pepper sauce which he loves.

 datil pepper sauce

Daytona..it was a few days before the start of  bike week, but I had to stop to look for a t shirt for my oldest son. When I travel I always bring him back a Harley shirt.

Florida 3.2013 Daytona big rig and tractor trailer cab roast BBQ rigtractor trailer pulling the biggest BBQ pig roast cooker I've ever seen near the Harley Davidson store. My oldest son does pig roast as a side business, so I took pictures of this rig to show him.

Florida 3.2013 Daytona rig roast BBQ rig cooker was the length of  a tractor trailer bed

Florida 3.2013 Daytona back end of huge pig roast rig  back end of the cookerFlorida 3.2013 Daytona rig roast BBQ price sign  menu

Jet Blue Park..Fort Meyer's Red Sox Spring training

Florida Fenway South sign


Florida 2013 Ted Williams stature at JetBluePark2 Florida 2013 Ted Williams stature at JetBluePark                   Ted Williams bronze statue at entrance of park.

Florida 2013 Ted Williams placque at JetBlueParkplaque on statue

Florida 2013 Placque history of Red Sox spring traininghistory of Red Sox spring training plaques

Florida 2013 Placque seating

Florida 2013 Placque certification Red Sox park

Florida Fenway South sunscreen dispensers sunscreen dispensers at the ball park

Florida 2013 retired RS numbers 9 1 27 14 retired Red Sox players numbers

Florida 2013 retired RS numbers 4 8 6 42

Below...info plaques that were on each retired Red Sox players number. Click on photo to enlarge to read.

     Florida 2013 retired 1 Doerr placque Florida 2013 retired 4 Cronin placque Florida 2013 retired 6 Pesky placque Florida 2013 retired 8 Yastrzemski placque Florida 2013 retired 9 Williams placque Florida 2013 retired 14 Rice placque Florida 2013 retired 27 Fisk placque Florida 2013 retired 42 Robinson placque 

Florida 2013 Red Sox logo in windowlogo on Team Store window

Florida 2013 sign to seats  

Florida 2013 Red Sox stadium seats for sale 1000for sale in the Team store, a pair of Red Sox stadium seats...$1000.

huge banyon tree in Venice this is all one tree...a huge Banyon in Venice

Florida 2013 huge Banyan tree

 Florida Sanibel light1 Sanibel lighthouse

Florida Sanibel uprooted tree w lighthouse

huge uprooted tree on beach with Sanibel Lighthouse in the background.

Heron on beach at Sanibel.2013 near the pier...Sanibel Island. I love how one can get so close to the beautiful birds in Florida

Florida Sanibel pier Sanibel at the pier

Florida Sanibel seashells piled up on beach1 Sanibel...seashells all over the beach

Florida 2013 Sanibel skate egg casing Skate egg case on beach..Sanibel

Florida WPB coconut tree coconut palm

Enjoyed the gorgeous flowers in bloom, seeing dolphin swimming in the ocean not far from shore, pelicans and even the alligators swimming towards me on Alligator Alley going from the West coast of Florida to the East coast.


Vero Beach tsunami sign Vero Beach sign at the beach

Florida Vero Beach surfer surfer catching a wave at Vero Beach


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