If you are a follower of my blog you know that I love Laurel Burch's colorful cat fabrics. Last year while in T J Maxx shopping I found a large, colorful cat weekend tote bag by Laurel Burch. I had the bag in my cart, and after debating with myself, I put it back on the rack. Yes, I was being cheap that day, and I regretted it after. The next day I went back, and of course the bag I should have bought the day before was gone. Since that time months ago, every time I shop at any T J Maxx stores I look for Laurel Burch tote bags and have had no luck finding any.
Yesterday was my lucky day. I had gone to return some items at JCP in Wareham. I returned the shirts, stopped at Michael's to see what I could use a 50% off coupon on and then headed to my car. (which I had just got back from the auto body shop late Friday afternoon) I was in my car and all set to go home, when I decided to go in and see what T J Maxx had. I am so glad that I decided to go into the store. First thing I did was check out the bags, and lo and behold I spied Laurel Burch bags and small totes. 5 different styles. Woohoo!!!! I was so excited. Seeing the LB bags just made my day. :-)
I liked all of the bags, but decided on the first one pictured as it had a wider base and had metal knobs on the bottom of the bag to keep it clean and off the floor. The size is perfect for a weekend bag. I also really liked the pink/purple full cats design, but it wasn't as wide. I wonder if it is still there as there were a few of that design. I may have to go back and see. Prices ranged from $16.99 - $24.99.
Do you ever not buy something and regret it later?
P.S...I saw a lovely Cedar Waxwing on my Mountain Ash tree in the front yard this morning. When I first saw it with a quick glance I thought it was a female cardinal. Then I saw the tail and knew it was a Cedar Waxwing. First one I've seen this spring.
I think the only real buyers regret I've ever had is for things I didn't get.