After I got home from the Cape on Tuesday I picked up my friend, Betty Ann and we went to my brothers to pick blueberries. I picked 2 large metal coffee cans and 3/4's of a colander of berries. I brought the colander of blueberries to my aunt because she wanted to make a pie.
I think I put as many of these sweet berries into my mouth as I did in my berry bucket.
lots of bushes with more berries that will be ripening soon
I used some of the blueberries I picked to make my mom's wonderful blueberry cake recipe, only I didn't make a cake this time. I decided to make them into cupcakes. Mom created this blueberry cake recipe in 1945 when she first got married. If you decide to try this cake...please give my mom credit for the recipe. Thanks! :-)
Lillian's Blueberry Cake recipe
Preheat oven: 325 degree if using glass baking dish, or 350 degree's in metal pan. I prefer baking this cake in glass as the berries don't pick up a metallic taste from the pan.
greased a glass 13 x 9 inch pan, or use cupcake liners
1-1/2 sticks softened unsalted butter or margarine
1-1/2 cups granulated sugar
1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla
2 eggs
3 teaspoons baking powder
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup cream or milk. We always use cream
about 1 quart blueberries. Fresh or frozen
Cream together the butter and sugar until light. Then add the eggs and vanilla. Mix well. Sift dry ingredients..flour, baking powder, salt. Add dry ingredients to the butter mixture adding cream a little at a time. Mix well. Stir in the blueberries. The batter is heavy and if using frozen blueberries the batter will turn somewhat blue..this is okay. Spread the batter into the pan or muffin liners/pan. Sprinkle top of batter with a little granulated sugar. If using glass pan bake at 325 degrees for about an hour, or until toothpick comes out clean and a golden brown. If making cupcakes about 40-45 minutes, keep checking. When baked and out of the oven, sprinkle top with small amount of granulated sugar. If you try this recipe let me know how you liked it. Enjoy!
I didn't feel like dragging out my big stand KitchenAide mixer so I mixed my cake batter by hand. I only have 1 jumbo muffin/cupcake pan so for the rest of the cupcakes I used the paper/aluminum cupcake liners and baked them on a pizza pan.
blueberry cake batter
My 2nd. blog post in one day. Thanks for stopping by to visit.
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