Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Some of my recent birding photos

I love bird watching and have done it for years.I find it very relaxing and peaceful. Here are just some of the photos that I've taken in the past couple months. 
Male cardinal photo taken in my front yard

goldfinches male and female. The males are starting to change to bright yellow after wearing their drab winter olive color. Eating thistle.
Blue Jay

Eider Duck...taken on Cape Cod

greater yellow legs shorebird taken in Plymouth
Black Capped Chickadee

Chipping Sparrow

greater yellow legs

                                     Herring Gull eating a razor clam...Plymouth, MA

Male and Female house finches on one of my feeders
The hummingbirds returned to my feeders May 3rd

Female Hummingbird 5.7.14

Male Hummingbird 5.7.14

Male bluebird photos taken in Marshfield, MA at the Daniel Webster Nature Sanctuary

Red Winged Blackbird, Marshfield, MA

Song Sparrow

Killdeer..Plymouth, MA

Tree swallow pair on one of our birdhouses down the cranberry bog

White Breasted Nuthatch..on my feeder

Baltimore Oriole male returned May 4th

5.8.14 on tree out front and on the oriole and hummingbird feeder. 

Male oriole with grape jelly on tongue

female osprey sitting on eggs...she must have been hot as she kept opening her beak and you could see her tongue...Plymouth, MA 5.8.14

female osprey landing on nest 5.8.14

Osprey catching a fish for dinner..Plymouth, MA

Red Bellied Woodpecker that comes to my feeders. I love this bird.

The red bellied woodpecker loves the oranges I put out in a suet feeder for the orioles.

downy woodpecker at my suet feeder
Hairy woodpecker on tree out front

mute swans down our cranberry bog

tufted titmouse

white throated sparrow under my feeders

Carolina Wren

Yellow Warbler taken in Plympton, MA at our cranberry bog. May 7th

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Red Tailed Hawk
Laughing Gull...Plymouth, MA
Close up Great Blue Heron..Middleboro Herring Run

Great White Heron..Plymouth, MA
Flock of Brant...Plymouth, MA


  1. Great shots! They could be in a bird book. I think the hummingbirds are my favorite because it's so hard for me to get a good hummingbird picture.


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