Sunday, May 22, 2011

A week of Good and Bad

Last week was  extremely stressful. My mother suffers from Alzheimer's and since last Saturday her mental status was changing. Mom was suppose to have surgery for cancer on her ear and nose on Wednesday, and then have reconstructive surgery on Thursday, but due to her increased confusion and aggitation the surgery was cancelled.
As the week progressed, her conditioned worsened and it was becoming apparant that it wasn't safe for her to stay at home, and my 92 year old dad was physically exhausted as mom wasn't sleeping.
Friday morning my dad called me real early to come to the house, and I ended up calling 9-1-1. Mom was taken by ambulance to the hospital.
After spending the entire day in the ER she was finally admitted to a room. After running tests they discovered mom had  a severe UTI. (urinary tract infection)
The doctors didn't believe her change in mental status was from the newest medications. Mom has been on them for a little more than 6 weeks. The doctors have to wait and evaluate her when the infection starts to clear. Hopefully the antibiotic will get her back to her baseline functioning. Mom will be in the hospital for 8-10 days. If there is no improvement, then we will have to make the decision of placing her in a facility. It is so sad to see your parent in this condition. It is amazing what a UTI can do to one's body and mind.

My oldest granddaughter was going to her first prom with her boyfriend Matt to his senior prom on Friday night. I was to go to my oldest son's house to take photo's of Katie, but I had to cancel as I was in the ER with my mother and couldn't leave.
But, I do have the photo's that were sent to me in email. Below are 2 photos of Katie and Matt. Katie had just had her braces removed too, and she was so excited about that. I can't believe my oldest granddaughter is so grown up. They both look so happy.

katie and matt's SR prom pic 2011 katie and matt's SR prom 2nd photo 2011

Yesterday morning ( Saturday), I had to run to the grocery store real early to buy salad fixings, meats,cheeses and rolls for a meat platter for our youngest granddaughter, Bella's first birthday party. That had been on my to do list on Friday, but just never happened.
I got everything done in time to bring to the birthday party. It was nice to relax at the party for a brief time and to share in Bella's big day. It was also wonderful to see many family members, and to spend some time with my cousin who was visiting from Ohio.
Late yesterday afternoon I took my dad to the hospital and when I got him back home I made his supper.  I came home and went right to bed.

On a brighter note....Photos of Bella's first birthday party are below.

Bella really enjoyed her party and her birthday cake.  First she took tiny tastes of the frosting and then she really dug in as you can see in the photos. There wasn't much left of her cake when she was finished, and she had cake and frosting all over herself.
1st birthday Bella with mommy and daddy and cake 1st birthday Bella cake facegetting started17  first taste1st birthday Bella cake facegetting started10 that frosting tasted pretty darn good
1st birthday Bella cake facegetting started13 think I'll have some more1st birthday party Bella  messy hands and face1 sticky fingers1st birthday party Bella  arms in air cakethis cake is delicious!!!1st birthday party Bella whats left of the cake1 not much left (LOL)

I was looking at some of the flowers blooming in my back yard this morning, and snapped a photo of my strawberry shortcake azalea. I think it is so pretty, don't you?
azalea strawberry shortcake
I was totally exhausted, and so my brothers are taking my dad to the hospital today (Sunday), but I have called to see how my mom is doing. Mom wants to come home, but that isn't possible at this time. I will be taking my dad tomorrow to see mom.
elaine signature3


  1. I suggest you talk to the hospital's social worker. It's often easier to get an admission into a long term care facility directly from a hospital. I learned this many years ago when dealing with my mother-in-law's dementia (she had multi-infarct dementia). Your grand-daughter's prom photos are lovely and your other gran-daughter's birthday photos are delightful.

  2. What a beautiful family you have Elaine!!!!! Your granddaughter looks beautiful in her dress!!!! And Bella is too precious!!!

  3. Lovely photos, Elaine. It's often hard to wear so many hats at the same time -- wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, and the list goes on. We need a designation in there sometimes that just says "me". My parents are also in their 90s and dealing with some of the same issues, but I'm not near them. Thankfully, my sister is there, and it's also very hard for her. Peace to you.

  4. Elaine, I love the pictures of the girls! Katie could smile brightly with her braces off and she looks beautiful! ANd Bella, oooooooooohhhhhhhhh diggin' in the cake! So fun! Sorry about your folks health issues!
    You stay strong and know that we are thinking of you! And your blooming azalia, WOW!!!!!!

  5. dear elaine, so sorry to read of the difficulties in your life . . . I am sending good wishes of strength and energy your way. All that and a big hug. xo lenna


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