Monday, May 16, 2011

Polished Stone Art-Beads,ATC's and background papers

This morning right after breakfast I was looking at the polished stone background papers that I made yesterday afternoon. So, before even getting dressed I sat down to finally work on some art. It has been ages since I stamped and played with art projects.
I rubber stamped on the polished stone paper that I made yesterday. With the metallic ink you really have to make sure your stamp is well inked and press hard to transfer the inked rubber stamped image to the paper. Sometimes no matter how hard you press the ink doesn't transfer well.  Each ATC's is either edged in silver or gold metallic pen which really isn't showing up well in the photos. Sorry that the photo's aren't the greatest, but the natural lighting isn't the best today as it is very dark and cloudy.
polished stone 1atc polished stone 2atc
polished stone pinks face n friendshop polished stone pink memories atc

I also tried the polished stone technique this morning on some off white, oval  bone beads that I bought several years ago in Rhode Island. The strand had 17 beads. I am waiting for the inks to dry and then I will give the beads a quick spray with a fixative and then Envirotex spray finish. When the beads are dry I will make them into a bracelet .
bone oval beads beads before adding inkspolished stone bone beads
I have a lot of round bone pieces, and on the next bunch that I do, I will use my rubber stamps on them like I use to do with dominos. I like how my inked beads turned out.
I also did  a few more 4 x 6 glossy postcard sized papers this morning.
polished stone blues polished stone blue and orange polished stone pink n blue

It felt great to finally sit down and work on some art projects and to rediscover this fun technique. I think I am hooked again.

 elaine signature3


  1. The ATCs are beautiful. Amd, I really love how the bone beads turned out. What a great idea!

  2. Love the polish stone look Elaine. You nailed it!!!

  3. Pretty, Pretty! Love those beads! I enjoyed reading your blog today and seeing those great old jacks too.

  4. These came out gorgeous Elaine! Great papers too!!!!!!! Lovely technique!

  5. Your polished stone technique came out great! Thanks for posting on my blog.


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