Saturday, March 17, 2012

Back to Reality after being on vacation..Part 1

Florida vacation 3.12 my plane at Providence at airport I flew Southwest to Orlando on this plane. I took the photo as the plane was pulling up to the gate as we were waiting to board
I hated leaving Orlando yesterday (Friday, March 16) for home after 9 days.
I loved those long days of sunshine and temperatures in the 80's. We had 1 day of rain, so we went to the outlet malls to shop that Sunday.
So sad,  to come home to 43 degrees, drizzle and gray skies.  I had a very relaxing  and much needed vacation at the condo that my brother, Richard and sister in law, Terry rented. It was so very nice to see so much green, beautiful flowers and birds and just to get away to relax.

The following photos' below,  I took are while on board the air plane flying out of Providence, which really is in the town of Warwick, RI.
Florida vacation 3.12  from plane waiting for take off from Providence RI to Florida seated and waiting for
every0ne to be boarded at Providence
Florida vacation 3.12 flying to Orlando clouds taken from plane taken on the way to Florida. I was seated in back of the wing.
Florida vacation 3.12 clouds from plane to Floridacloud photo that I took from my window seat on my flight to Orlando. The plane ride was quite bumpy, but we arrived a 1/2 hour earlier than expected. I arrived in Florida...3/8/2012, at 10:15. My brother, Richard picked me up from the airport. When I landed it was 82 and sunny. Wonderful!!!!
The condo we stayed at had many pools, kiddie pools, hot tubs, playgrounds, mini golf, tennis and basket ball courts, restaurants, bars, a market, and a kids activity center. There was so much to see and do right at the resort. It was wonderful for my niece, Trish her husband, Ronnie, the twins and baby Cassie.
Florida vacation condo where we stayed 2Florida vacation at Sheraton Vistana condos  
I took mostly pictures of flowers, animals and birds this trip.
Below are some of my flower pictures
Florida vacation 3.12 red hybiscus beautiful red hibiscus were in bloom everywhere
Florida vacation 3.12 red bottle brush plant Bottle Brush 

Florida vacation 3.12 white petaled flower with bug see the bug on the flower. This may be some type of lily.
Florida vacation 3.12 red flowersdon't know what this flowering shrub is you?
Florida vacation at condo flowering azaleas Azalea's were blooming all over the resort grounds
Florida vacation at condo pink white hibiscus pretty pink and white hibiscus reminds me of a pinwheel.  
Florida vacation 3.12 yellow flowers another flowering tree that I don't what it was.
These are the seed pods hanging from the tree with the pretty clusters of yellow flowers.
Florida vacation 3.12 seed pods from yellow flowering tree
Florida vacation at condo red bromelied flower2
Florida vacation Epcot bird of paradise flower bloomcloseup1 Bird of Paradise blossom on big tree
Florida vacation Epcot flowers orchids 2 taken at Epcot
Florida vacation Epcot flowers..orchids1 orchids taken at Epcot

Florida vacation Epcot flowers and water with reflection1 taken at Epcot reflections on the water.
Florida vacation Epcot flowers pink n white2 
Florida vacation flower taken at Longhorn restuaranttaken at Longhorn Restaurant in Orlando.
Florida vacation orange yellow water plant beautiful orange yellow Canna Lily growing in the  edge of the water at the condo
Florida vacation Epcot bouginveilla Bougainvillea
Florida vacation Sea world shrimp flowering plant shrimp plant

Bird photos I took:
Florida vacation 3.12 mallard ducks I fed everyday I fed these mallards everyday and they would follow me quacking to be fed.
Florida vacation ma mallard duck with babies mama Mallard duck with her babies at waters edge in one of the ponds at the condo
Florida vacation 3.12 baby ducks swimming baby mallard ducklings
Florida vacation 3.12 baby ducks swimming with yellow ducklings more baby mallard ducks swimming with some yellow ducklings
Florida vacation 3.12 baby ducks swimming with mother baby mallard ducks swimming with their mama. The ducklings weren't very old.
Florida vacation 3.12 baby ducks at waters edge baby mallard going into the water.
Florida vacation 3.12 Great blue heron great blue heron. I watched so many beautiful birds at the Sheraton Vistana condo resort we stayed at.
Florida vacation 3.12 Great blue heron2 ripples in the water
Florida vacation 3.12 white heron 1 white egret
Florida vacation at condo white heron and mallard duck white egret and male mallard duck
Florida vacation white egret in water
Florida vacation Epcot white egret white regal looking 
Florida vacation at condo Little blue heron little blue heron
Florida vacation at condo Little blue heron 5 little blue heron on the hunt for fish. I kept snapping pictures as he walked along the waters edge in back of our condo. 
Florida vacation at condo Little blue heron7 
Florida vacation at condo male Hooded merganser duck closeup male hooded merganser
Florida vacation muskovy duck with wing trouble this poor Muscovy duck that was at the condo had wing problems, but it could still fly.
Florida vacation Sea world flamingos1 flamingo's at Sea World
Florida vacation Sea world flamingos2  Florida vacation Sea world flamingos3 Florida vacation Sea world flamingos4
Florida vacation Sea world pelicans on nest1 Taken at Sea World..pelican sitting on her nest with mate watching
Florida vacation Sea world pelicans on nest2
Now for some photos of squirrels, a fish spawning in one of the ponds at the condo, chameleons and other little lizards.
Florida vacation Golden Corral head of Gecko The photo of a gecko was taken at night on the outside of a restaurant building, but he moved so fast, I was only able to capture part of his body. See his suction cupped feet?
Florida vacation 3.12 green chameleon my little friend as I sat by the pool
Florida vacation at condo chameleon
Florida vacation Epcot lizard going after worm this little guy was going after his dinner...a worm..Yuck. Taken at Sea World
Florida vacation Golden Corral ugly cockroach
taken outside on a building a big ugly cockroach. He moved so fast it was difficult to even get this picture.

Florida vacation at condo squirrel back walkway as I sat drinking coffee in the screened porch every morning I would see numerous squirrels. I fed them bread, and they were really quite tame. The squirrels would scamper along the walk ways and on the tops of the fences.
Florida vacation at condo squirrel I was feeding bread4 Florida vacation at condo squirrel I was feeding bread3
Florida vacation at condo squirrel I was feeding bread2 
Florida vacation at condo fish spawning on nest A fish spawning on the bottom of the pond in a spot it cleared away to lay it's eggs. Taken at the condo.
Just want to share one more photo with you today. The photo below is for real. I couldn't believe the price of gas at this Shell station, and I made my brother pull in so I could take a picture of the sign. Gas was mostly $3.72-$3.93 around the Orlando area. Not many people were stopping to fill up their tanks at this station. Geesh, talk about price gouging.I was told several gas stations had pricing like this the closer you got to the airport. Guess the gas station owner really want to stick it to the tourist who have to fill up the gas tanks before turning in their rental cars at the airport.
Florida vacation Gas sign for regular
I will add more pictures as I get them downloaded off of my camera over the next few days. I hope you enjoyed my vacation photos. Until tomorrow.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!


  1. Lovely photos, I can see why you didn't want to come home.

  2. Oh how lovely Elaine, beautiful photos and your blog header looks great too!

  3. Hi Elaine - so glad your trip was such a good one. The one plant is a bottle brush - I had one in my yard in Tampa. The orange yellow flowering plant from the condo is a Canna Lily. It was fun seeing your pictres.


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