Monday, March 5, 2012

It's been awhile

Since I logged onto the computer. I've been busy running errands for my parents and then I was so very sick with that stomach bug  along with a high fever and shaking chills. I am finally feeling human again for which I am so very thankful.

Thursday, I am flying to Florida for 9 days. I am all packed and so ready for my little vacation getaway. This time Tom will stay home to take care of things and to feed our 2 kitties and our 2 little stray kitties.  I am hoping for great weather while I am in Florida. vacation.  I am keeping my fingers crossed.

We have enjoyed a very mild winter with hardly any snow. In fact, on the day I am flying out, Thursday, it is suppose to be 65-70 degrees here. Sheesh!!!

The tete te tete daffodil plants near my kitchen steps are all budded and probably with the warm weather that will be coming our way this week the mini daffodils will bloom while I am away. Crocus are blooming as well as snowdrops. It is so nice to see signs of spring although this winter has passed quickly.

Robins are everywhere as well as the returning red wing blackbirds. Don't you just love spring?

grand daughters Lily and Bella


Well, I've got to go start making our supper. Until next time.....when I get back from Florida.


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