Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Nature photos and Jammed Up

Deplasito bog..white text 2 dragonflies on pond lily  
I used my zoom lens to capture this photo of the two dragonflies on this white pond lily that was in the reservoir. Click on the photo for a better view. One dragonfly is at the top of the lily and a smaller dragonfly is on the right hand side.

This is my 2nd posting today. I had to take my dad to the dermatologist, and then he wanted to take a ride around the cranberry bogs before I took him grocery shopping. 
only the small dragonfly is on the pond lily when I snapped this photo..right side
DePlasito bog dragonfly on pond lily white text

Deplasito bog..early experimental berries7.25.12

Early ripening variety cranberries that are turning red.

Deplasito bog..2012 bank swallow holes

This year again the bank swallows made nest holes at the top of a sand bank, but not as many as last year. I also saw Kingfisher holes in the sand banks near the river, but today I didn't see the birds.

Deplasito bog..purple weed purple weeds growing near the bog. Pretty, but not good for the bog.

I took dad and we did our grocery shopping, I helped dad put everything away when I got him home. Now that I have my groceries put away I am going to go make a batch of strawberry jam. I love making jam.
I finished my batch of jam...and here are some photos.
 7.25.12 strawberry jam coming to a boil jam coming to a boil
7.25.12  eight 4oz jars strawberry jam     8 - 4 ounce jars of jam

    7.25.12 6 eight oz jars strawberry jam 6 - 8 ounce jars filled with cooked jam

I used two different sized canning jars...4 and 8 ounce.   These small jars will be given as gifts.
I used the same process to make this jam as I did the peach jam the other day, only this time I used the water bath method instead of sealing the jars with paraffin. To make this batch I used 3 quarts of strawberries.
7.25.12 finished batch eight 4oz jars and 6 8 oz strawberry jam finished batch

I still want to make more strawberry and peach jam, and to try a batch of pineapple jam.


  1. I can smell and taste that yummy homemade jam just looking at the photos...Awesome!!!

  2. I've never heard of bank swallows, so interesting! You are a busy lady, Elaine.

  3. Love the dragonfly picture and the jam looks yummy.

  4. Your Jam looks Yummy... Love the photos...


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