when I first spotted the deer and took the photo from the car. I really need to get a better camera to keep in my glove box with a bigger zoom lens so I can get photo at a distance that you can tell what I am trying to get a picture of.
taken from the car
taken when I got out of the car..still pretty far away
watching deciding what to do as he watched me and then would look around
watching I was taking baby steps as I got closer to take photos
stopped eating and was listening and watching ...so beautiful.
I was only 4-5 car lengths away on the side of the cranberry bog before he started to move to a safer spot
white tail up, and bounding away to a spot on the bog farther away from me, but he still stayed to eat more cranberries.
It was a gray morning with rain showers off and on and I wanted to get my errands done before it started to rain in earnest.
I had to run to the grocery store.. I stopped at my aunts to see if she needed anything at the store and asked if she wanted to go. We drove to Carver, to Shaws Supermarket. I picked up more jelly jars and strawberries so I can make more jam this afternoon.
On the way home, as we were driving past the Morse Brothers cranberry bogs I spotted a male deer with his antlers just forming eating cranberries on the bog. Drats, I only had my small zoom camera in the car. I stopped on the side of the road, and took a couple pictures from the car. I decided to get out of the car as that would be the only way to get decent pictures. I didn't know how close I would be able to get in my quest for getting better pictures.
I moved very slowly along the side of the bog, like in the game we use to play..Red Light. Tiny steps at a time. I kept my camera up so I could see in the view find, and kept snapping pictures as I moved along, because I didn't know how they would come out. Thankfully, I got some good shots. Every now and again the deer would look up at me, but I would stand perfectly still and he would go back to eating. I got to about 4-5 car lengths before he bounded off to another spot on the bog closer to the woods.
I did make another batch of strawberry jam in the afternoon.
taken from the car
taken when I got out of the car..still pretty far away
watching deciding what to do as he watched me and then would look around
watching I was taking baby steps as I got closer to take photos
stopped eating and was listening and watching ...so beautiful.
I was only 4-5 car lengths away on the side of the cranberry bog before he started to move to a safer spot
white tail up, and bounding away to a spot on the bog farther away from me, but he still stayed to eat more cranberries.
It was a gray morning with rain showers off and on and I wanted to get my errands done before it started to rain in earnest.
I had to run to the grocery store.. I stopped at my aunts to see if she needed anything at the store and asked if she wanted to go. We drove to Carver, to Shaws Supermarket. I picked up more jelly jars and strawberries so I can make more jam this afternoon.
On the way home, as we were driving past the Morse Brothers cranberry bogs I spotted a male deer with his antlers just forming eating cranberries on the bog. Drats, I only had my small zoom camera in the car. I stopped on the side of the road, and took a couple pictures from the car. I decided to get out of the car as that would be the only way to get decent pictures. I didn't know how close I would be able to get in my quest for getting better pictures.
I moved very slowly along the side of the bog, like in the game we use to play..Red Light. Tiny steps at a time. I kept my camera up so I could see in the view find, and kept snapping pictures as I moved along, because I didn't know how they would come out. Thankfully, I got some good shots. Every now and again the deer would look up at me, but I would stand perfectly still and he would go back to eating. I got to about 4-5 car lengths before he bounded off to another spot on the bog closer to the woods.
I did make another batch of strawberry jam in the afternoon.
Even with only your small zoom, you got some great shots.