Last week while I was checking out Canon digital camera's I spotted a Fuji instant mini camera for $59.oo. I thought the camera was pretty neat. Kind of reminded me of my first instant Polaroid camera, the Swinger. Anyone else have one of those instant camera's from the 60's ?
Today when I was at WalMart, I decided to to use some of my birthday money and I bought the camera from Fuji. The camera takes instant credit card sized photos. The camera comes with a pack of film that takes 10 photos and 4 AA batteries. Everything to get started taking pictures right away.
To turn on and off, just pull out the lens. The camera has 4 settings for indoor/dark, outdoors-cloudy/shady, fine/mostly clear day, and sunny/clear day. The film inserts easily by matching up the yellow lines. A green light comes on when the camera is ready to take photos after the lens have been pulled out. The actual photos are a little bigger than those from the old Polaroid I Zone. I thought this little instant camera would be great when you want to use photos right away in a journal or scrapbook pages at home or away from home while traveling.
You tube video on how the camera works
When I told my husband I had bought another camera and was looking at new digital camera's that you could change the lenses, he rolled his eyes.
This looks like a fun camera. And, you can tell your husband that a person can NEVER have too many cameras.