Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Young great blue heron learning to fly

great blue heron 7.30.13 young one testing wings first of the young birds that flew awkwardly to a pine branch near the nest

great blue heron 7.30.13 young one on pine tree learning to fly3 2nd young bird checking out the view after it's clumsy flight

great blue heron 7.30.13 young one on pine tree learning to fly2 3rd young bird in another nearby tree top

I last visited the nest on over the weekend on Saturday. So today I was happy to see that the birds were testing their wings and learning to fly to nearby branches. Hope they don't take a tumble and land in the water far below.

great blue heron 7.30.13 parent bird on branch mouth open one of the parent birds on a nearby dead tree limb watching the young heron attempting to fly. It was hot and the bird had its beak open to try and cool off.

I took another friend to watch the birds as she had never seen a great blue heron's nest. After we stayed for awhile we decided to go blueberry picking down the bog.

On the way to the bog I stopped to take a photo of this huge pine tree that was uprooted in the blizzard this past February. Look at the huge rocks that are still embedded in the soil and tree roots.

uprooted tree with huge rocks in roots2

My friend, Betty Ann at the bog picking blueberries. Betty Ann loved the Ocean Spray hat I let her wear.

Betty Ann picking blueberries 7.30.13 

blueberries 7.30.13one of the bushes we picked there are still a lot more that will ripened in a few days. I plan on making muffins and a blueberry cake with the berries I picked.

This afternoon I picked up my aunt and we took a ride to the Cape to the Lutheran Church on route 6-A in West Barnstable. We went to listen to a Finnish choir group from Helsinki, Finland. They sang some songs in English and some in Finnish. Even though I didn't understand the songs that they sang in Finn I enjoyed the music. I only understand a little Finn.

Finn choir4. 7.31.13



  1. We have blue herons, and I,will now be watching out for their nests. Nice shots, Elaine!

  2. How cool to see the heron fledglings! And a blueberry cake sounds delicious.


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