Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Another trip to the Cape..More snowy owl photos

                                                             juvenile male snowy owl 2.25.2014

juvenile female snowy taken just before she took off and landed on a post

          Tomorrow we are suppose to get a little more snow, and I have a doctors appointment, so I decided today would be a good day to take a drive to the Cape and see if the snowy owls were still at the beach. I called my friend, Shirley to see if she wanted to take a ride, because she had never seen snowy owls before. Shirley wanted to go, I picked her up and off we went.                                                
Again, the wind was howling off of the water and it was freezing cold..temps in the low 20's. I wish I had a snow mobile suit to wear to stay warm when I go take photos of the owls.

unfortunately this photo is dark as I had to face the sun. I'm glad I clicked 2 quick photos, because before I could get in a better position to take the photo of this female juvenile (much darker in color) Before I could get a good photo 2 woman ran up close to the owl talking real loud and scared it off. I was so disappointed that I didn't get better photos while it sat on the post. I don't know what those 2 women were thinking.

While at the beach taking photo's I spoke with a man and a woman who have been going to the beach everyday for over a month to take photos of the owls. The man had a really expensive digital camera with a large zoom lens, and he had some awesome photos. One of a crow swooping down at an owl with its feet extended over the owl as the owl ducked, another of an owl flying with a rabbit in it's talons, another with a seagull, and another of a duck. I guess the owls are eating well at the beach, and here I thought they were eating mice. (LOL) 

I don't know how much longer these beautiful birds will stay in the area, but I am so glad that I got to see them several times. Hopefully, I can see them a few more times before they leave the area and head back to the tundra.

I called my cousin, Cheryl and she met Shirley and I at the beach. After watching the owls for awhile we went out for lunch. All in all it was a lovely day.

I hope you enjoy the owl photos as much as I enjoyed watching them and taking their photos.


  1. Oh how exciting!! I love your series of photos. I think I would faint if I saw a Snowy Owl.

  2. Elaine, I don't know if I have ever seen any kind of owl(!), but my husband said they come to a wildlife preserve near our summer place on NJs Great Bay. I will see them, I'm now determined! I love your photos, they are beautiful!!!

  3. PS...did I tell you how much I also love your little owl ear rings? Thank you!


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