Thursday, February 27, 2014

Off to see the snowy owls again

I had a free day and decided to go back to the Cape to see the owls. These photos are of a female, juvenile snowy owl. The owl was on the bay side sitting on an osprey nest quite a distance out in the water/marshy area. I was lucky enough to capture the owl with my camera as it took off from the nest. So pretty in flight. I have seen the owls flying a few times, but was never lucky enough to get a photo.

The owl pictures below were sent to me from another lady that was standing next to me at the beach. I shared some of my photos with her of shots of the owls that she didn't have.

At the beach it was sunny and cold, but driving home I ran into heavy snow squalls and the visibility was very poor. The snow didn't last long thank goodness, but more snow is predicted for the weekend and Monday.

As I was almost ready to pull into our driveway I saw a male bluebird sitting on the telephone wire. I am hoping that it will find a mate and use one of the bluebird boxes I have around the yard. They have been around before, but unfortunately never nested.

Today at my friends house near her foundation peeking thru the snow crocus are blooming.


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