Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Strawberry Swiss Roll Cake Recipe

Doesn't this swiss roll cake look delicious? I am going to have to try making it. I love making sponge cake Chocolate, Pumpkin and Lemon Swiss Rolls. So, for the next family gathering I may bring this, but my son's will be disappointed. They love all but the chocolate roll is their favorite.

I found this recipe on Facebook on 12Tomatoes facebook page.

                     click for recipe...Strawberry Cream Swiss Roll recipe

 If you want my click here...chocolate and lemon roll recipes they were published on my blog 12/24/2011.

What a crazy day...heavy downpours, thunder/lightening, and hail. Two beautiful days of warmth and sunshine and today nasty weather again. The trees are finally starting to bud out, early flowering shrubs and trees are blooming along with daffodils and tulips. My clematis vines are leafing out as well as my perenial strawberry plants.



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