All of the above are weathervanes that I recently took photos of on Cape Cod. A lot of them I found driving home on route 6 A.
The 2 photos above I took on 5.20.15 in Plymouth. The dome with the ship weather vane is on the Post Office in the center of town. I was high on a hill on Newfield St, visiting my mom at the nursing home. Yesterday the Mayflower 11 was being brought home by a tug after spending the winter in Connecticut where it underwent repairs and new paint. I was about one and half- 2 miles away from the boat coming into the harbor so the photo is fuzzy due to distance,wind and haze. I love the ship weathervane with the Mayflower in the background.
On the top of a house on Thompson St, East Middleboro. A bird decided to take a rest on the weathervane
Eagle Weathervane on the top of the Hedge School, North Plymouth
Horse on Mutual Bank, Halifax, MA
weathervane on the Church of the Green, Middleboro
on post office in Halifax, MA
Weathervanes have always fascinated me; so lately I have been stopping to take photos of them when I am out and about.
Here are a few photos I took this morning of old barns in East Middleboro, on Thompson St.
All of these old barns are on Thompson St, East Middleboro
old stone barn, Dartmouth, MA
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