Sunday, November 1, 2015

2015 so much has happened...finally catching up again

Found part of this posting in draft form from months ago.

February in New England was horrid this year, but thankfully my husband and I missed most of the numerous snowstorms. We spent 5 weeks in Florida. We drove as we always do.

Went to the West coast of Florida first and stayed in Sanibel. Such a beautiful place. Would love to live here..beautiful beaches, lots of shelling, and bird watching in Ding Darling.

pileated woodpecker in Sanibel

Roseate spoonbill

lots of ugly iguanas walking around in the Florida Keys

male painted bunting

black skimmer

bald eagle

Anna Maria, Florida

Big Pine Key Key Deer

great white egret

watched a satallite in the sky in Marathon, FL Keys

burrowing owls

St. Augustine Lighthouse at sunset

Now...starting off from the draft post that I started many months ago.

In May I had right knee surgery for a torn meniscus a problem that bothered me since January.

June started out okay, but Tom was in a minor car accident, and a few days later on June 15th, my beloved husband passed away from a blood clot. So devastating and heartbreaking to lose my husband and best friend. Tom and I had been married 47 years. The silence in the house is deafening. It's been so hard, but I take one day at a time. My 2 sons, family and friends have been a wonderful and have kept me busy. I didn't feel like doing anything, but had to keep moving and family saw that I did. I still go to the nursing home to feed my mom several times a week. 
I  continue to do everything for my 91 year old aunt. Auntie recently fell and shattered her shoulder, had surgery and is in rehab.                                                                                                                 \\

 July 25th was the first anniversary of my dads passing. I miss him so much.

Also in July, doing a good deed, I tripped and landed on the my right knee that I had surgery on in May for a torn minescus repair, and also tore my right rotator cuff.  I am still going to Physical Therapy.

In August, I went to Maine with my cousins for a few days as they had to go to a wedding. While they were at the wedding I met up with an old friend from nursing school who lives closeby to Wells, where we were staying. I made plans to meet up again in September with Susan and her husband as they were coming to Cape Cod for a few days

September our cranberry harvest began and ended only a few days ago. Last week I went to Ocean Sprays headquarters in Lakeville, MA for a grower luncheon. Jason and Henry the guys in the cranberry bog that do the commercials were there and I had my picture taken with them. I donned waders and went onto the flooded, just water picked cranberry bog for a photo.

No time for art, but take my camera with me everywhere I go as I find it is good therapy to be outside taking nature photos. I really can't wait for 2015 to end as it has been a horrible year. It's been so long since I've posted on blogger I can't remember how to change my photo at the top of my blog. Urrgh!!!

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